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2021–2022 – Top Ten Skills for Building a Satisfying Career in Academic GIM

Logo in purple text and lines: Top Ten Skills for Building a Satisfying Career in Academic GIM

The 2021 – 2022 Faculty Development Seminar Series focused on core skills for building a satisfying career in Academic GIM. These skills were selected for broad applicability for all faculty in our Division. The ten sessions are listed below.


10/01/21 – Seminar 1: Neha Deshpande – How to be a Great Mentor and Great Mentee
Constructive, low-stakes conversations around career satisfaction and professional development are very helpful to most faculty, but it takes some effort to find the right connections and to set the stage for these conversations. In this seminar, Dr. Deshpande will discuss strategies for finding mentorship, creating mutually beneficial mentorship relationships. She will provide practical tips for both mentorship and menteeship.

11/05/21 – Seminar 2Chenwei Wu and Nick Meo – How to Use Committee Work to Advance Your Career
The motivation for joining a committee is usually to provide service. While providing service through committee work is necessary and important, leveraging committee work to advance your own career is an important skill for building a satisfying career in GIM.

12/03/21 – Seminar 3: Stefanie Deeds – How to Manage Limited Time for Maximal Productivity

01/07/22 – Seminar 4: Gaby Berger and Eric LaMotte – How to Create a Teaching Portfolio (and Why) [Recorded presentation given by Somnath Mookherjee, MD]
Not many of us are really comfortable with the idea of a Teaching Portfolio. It’s hard to know if you’re actually supposed to have one, what goes into it, and just how important it is to have one for promotion.

Should Clinical faculty have teaching portfolios? What if you're not sure what "track" you're going to be in? Is it worth the effort? How do you even get started?

On January 7th, Dr. Gaby Berger and Dr. Eric LaMotte will explain everything that you need to know about Teaching Portfolios.

02/04/22 – Seminar 5: Somnath Mookherjee – How to Write a Case Report for Fun and (Academic) Profit
The goal of this session is to facilitate the process of transforming an interesting case into a clinical vignette abstract submission for a professional society meeting and then setting the stage for eventual publication as a case report or a clinical reasoning paper.

This will be a useful session whether you are writing up a case report yourself or mentoring a student or resident through the process. You will leave the session with concrete steps for what to do next time someone says, “We should write this one up…”

03/04/22 – Seminar 6: Moe Hagman – How to Run an Effective Meeting
Meetings permeate our professional lives, and can sometimes seem like distractions rather than a productive use of time. Using meetings to actually accomplish tasks, make decisions or move projects forward is an important skill in academics.

04/01/22 – Seminar 7: Joshua Liao – How to Write for Non-peer Reviewed Venues
Writing and dissemination are key elements of scholarship for all academic physicians. There are many ways to achieve impact through scholarly writing - including writing for non-peer reviewed venues.

In this seminar, Dr. Liao will share his perspective on habits for writing well and strategies for preparing pieces for dissemination across a range of publishing outlets - particularly non-peer reviewed venues.

05/06/22 – Seminar 8: Andrew White – How to Optimize Your CV for Applications and Promotion
Even with strict UW CV content guidelines and formatting instructions, it is often unclear what goes where, or if a specific accomplishment belongs in your CV at all. 

Dr. White will discuss opportunities to polish your CV to have the maximum impact – have your CV in front of you for this practical seminar!

06/03/22 – Seminar 9: Susan Merel – How to Write a Great Letter of Recommendation – For Students, Residents, Colleagues (or for Yourself)!
During this very practical FDP seminar on writing letters of recommendations, Dr. Susan Merel will share tips for writing accurate and unbiased letters of recommendations for students, residents and peers.

Dr. Merel will also offer some guiding principles for drafting letters of recommendations for yourself in special circumstances.

07/08/22 – Seminar 10: Lauge Sokol-Hessner – How to Make an Effective "Ask"
In the professional setting, we often need to make an "ask" to get the help we need with projects, career development, and career satisfaction. These "asks" could include asking for help or input on a project, access to resources such as staff or other resources, or permission to carry-out a project which involves students or residents. In this seminar, Dr. Lauge Sokol-Hessner, MD will share a systematic process to help identify what you need and how to most effectively make those asks.