Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, UW-related travel may be restricted. Contact Hannah Zaharia prior to booking any UW-related travel. Please also review current UW-wide travel policies.
When is prior approval required?
- For all international travel, even if it is named in a grant
- For any travel not specifically named in a grant
- For all lodging that exceeds 150% of the lodging per diem
The Department of Medicine has granted blanket approval for out-of-state travel on UW-related business (including research conferences and meetings) that is consistent with the requirements of full-time (>50% FTE) faculty members and administrative personnel. Out-of-state travel is considered traveling outside the states of Washington, Oregon, or Idaho. A copy of the blanket approval memo is on file in the Division office for audit purposes.
Travelers should request pre-approval when travel is not specifically named in a grant. (Please note that sponsors must allow travel.) The PI can approve travel for staff. For the PI’s travel, please email Dana Panteleeff the following information for Division approval:
- Name of traveler
- Purpose of trip & description of benefit to the grant
- Travel destination
- Dates of travel
- Budget number to be charged
All foreign travel requires prior approval by the PI, and in addition, faculty must have prior approval from the Division Head. A Request for Foreign Travel Approval Form should be completed and approved prior to the trip.
For more information, visit the UW Travel Policy site.