Research Activities and Current Funding
A pilot evaluation of a same-day addiction consult service for Veterans
Principal Investigator: Amy Kennedy
Mentoring and Patient Oriented Research at the Nexus of Unhealthy Alcohol Use and HIV
K24 AA027483
Principal Investigator: G. Chander
Hybrid trial for Alcohol reduction among people with TB and HIV in India (HATHI)
Principal Investigators: G. Chander and A. Gupta
Alcohol Research Consortium in HIV: Ending the HIV Epidemic through interventions and Epidemiology at the intersection of the alcohol and HIV care Continua
Principal Investigators: G. Chander & M. McCaul
Alcohol Research Consortium in HIV: Ending the HIV Epidemic through interventions and Epidemiology at the intersection of the alcohol and HIV care Continua: Intervention Research ARM
Principal Investigators: G. Chander, Batey, Williams
Alcohol Research Consortium in HIV: Ending the HIV Epidemic through interventions and Epidemiology at the intersection of the alcohol and HIV care Continua: Administrative Core
Principal Investigators: G. Chander & M. McCaul
HIV and Substance Use Cohort Coordinating Center for Emerging and High Impact Scientific Cross Cohort Studies: HIV SUCCESS
Principal Investigators: G. Chander, H.C. Crane, J.A.C. Delaney, L. Drumright
Patient Navigator plus Remote mHealth Adherence Support with Incentives to Improve Linkage and Retention among Hospitalized Patients with Opioid and Methamphetamine Use who Initiate Buprenorphine
Principal Investigator: Judith Tsui
Clinical Trials Network: CTN-0110 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Monthly Injectable Buprenorphine for Methamphetamine Use Disorder (MURB)
Site/Subaward Principal Investigator: Judith Tsui
UG1 DA020024
Pilot Study of a Community-Pharmacy Model to Expand Access to Medications to Treat and Prevent Hepatitis C, Opioid Use Disorders, Overdose and HIV Among Persons Who Inject Drugs
Principal Investigator: Judith Tsui
Pilot Study of Opioid-Receptor Antagonists to Reduce Pain and Inflammation among HIV-Infected Persons with Alcohol
Principal Investigator: Judith Tsui and Jeffrey Samet
Rural Comorbidity and HIV consequences of Opioid use Research and Treatment Initiative (Rural Cohort) Data Coordinating Center
Principal Investigator: Judith Tsui and Heidi Crane
Gabapentin to Reduce Alcohol and Improve HIV Viral Load Suppression – Promoting Treatment as Prevention
Co-investigator: Judith Tsui (PI: Samet/Lunze)
UW Regional Buprenorphine Training Program
Principal Investigator: Jared Klein