Research Activities


SURE Unit researchers are engaged in many ongoing scientific inquiries aimed at improving the lives and health of persons with substance use and use disorders.

This is unpublished

Research Activities and Current Funding

A pilot evaluation of a same-day addiction consult service for Veterans

Principal Investigator: Amy Kennedy

Mentoring and Patient Oriented Research at the Nexus of Unhealthy Alcohol Use and HIV

K24 AA027483
Principal Investigator: G. Chander               


Hybrid trial for Alcohol reduction among people with TB and HIV in India (HATHI)

Principal Investigators: G. Chander and A. Gupta     


Alcohol Research Consortium in HIV: Ending the HIV Epidemic through interventions and Epidemiology at the intersection of the alcohol and HIV care Continua

Principal Investigators: G. Chander & M. McCaul


Alcohol Research Consortium in HIV: Ending the HIV Epidemic through interventions and Epidemiology at the intersection of the alcohol and HIV care Continua: Intervention Research ARM

Principal Investigators: G. Chander, Batey, Williams


Alcohol Research Consortium in HIV: Ending the HIV Epidemic through interventions and Epidemiology at the intersection of the alcohol and HIV care Continua: Administrative Core

Principal Investigators: G. Chander & M. McCaul


HIV and Substance Use Cohort Coordinating Center for Emerging and High Impact Scientific Cross Cohort Studies: HIV SUCCESS


Principal Investigators: G. Chander, H.C. Crane, J.A.C. Delaney, L. Drumright


Patient Navigator plus Remote mHealth Adherence Support with Incentives to Improve Linkage and Retention among Hospitalized Patients with Opioid and Methamphetamine Use who Initiate Buprenorphine

Principal Investigator: Judith Tsui


Clinical Trials Network: CTN-0110 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Monthly Injectable Buprenorphine for Methamphetamine Use Disorder (MURB)

Site/Subaward Principal Investigator: Judith Tsui
UG1 DA020024


Pilot Study of a Community-Pharmacy Model to Expand Access to Medications to Treat and Prevent Hepatitis C, Opioid Use Disorders, Overdose and HIV Among Persons Who Inject Drugs

Principal Investigator: Judith Tsui


Pilot Study of Opioid-Receptor Antagonists to Reduce Pain and Inflammation among HIV-Infected Persons with Alcohol

Principal Investigator: Judith Tsui and Jeffrey Samet


Rural Comorbidity and HIV consequences of Opioid use Research and Treatment Initiative (Rural Cohort) Data Coordinating Center

Principal Investigator: Judith Tsui and Heidi Crane


Gabapentin to Reduce Alcohol and Improve HIV Viral Load Suppression – Promoting Treatment as Prevention

Co-investigator: Judith Tsui (PI: Samet/Lunze)


UW Regional Buprenorphine Training Program

Principal Investigator: Jared Klein