This is unpublished


Established in 2022, Grand Rounds brings together faculty, staff and trainees across GIM sites and programs to share the breadth and depth of work conducted across the Division. GIM Grand Rounds aims to promote the academic mission of UW GIM and build community among its members. 


  • Education within GIM (GIM specific or of GIM interest) 
  • Dissemination of faculty activities (clinical, research, advocacy, teaching) within GIM 
  • Promote academic mission of the division 
  • Create community and increase connection among sites 
  • Showcase/highlight the breadth and depth of work GIM faculty are doing 
  • Peer teaching evals 
  • Venue for GIM awards, announcements, division news 


When and Where to watch

On the second and fourth Fridays each month (excluding holidays), faculty present lectures on current medical topics.

In AY24, GIM Grand Rounds will be hosted live and in person across the UW Medicine sites. You are welcome to attend and support your colleagues. Locations are shared here on the site and in division emails.

The presentations are also accessible remotely via Zoom, with the link distributed to the division via email. CME credit is available. 

Recordings of past presentations may be accessed with a UW NetID and password.

More questions? Contact Administrative Specialist Nikita Thomas.

Cme credit FOR uw FACULTY & STAFF

Please use the text attendance feature to confirm your attendance in real time. Text 833-394-7078 with your UW e-mail address. Then text 11152 to confirm the activity you are registering your attendance for. Texting needs to occur during the session, or 60 minutes before or after.

If joining via Zoom: Click the Zoom link and enter your FULL NAME as well as your @UW email address, if possible. Please use the same email address each session to ensure accurate records for CME credit and attendance.

See here for how to get CME credit for DOM grand grounds.